My story
Why I do what I do...
I have always an active person, I was into every sport from Athletes to Volleyball. But Squash was the sport that I excelled in. At the age of 13 I hurt my back on court. I ended up in A&E and then every 2 years I would have another problem.
Over the years I’ve visited doctors, chiropractors, physios, rehabilitation specialists, osteopaths, you name it. They would always fix my immediate discomfort and 2 years later the pain would be back. I soon realised that squash wasn’t good for me, especially as I hadn’t found my root cause but I learnt how to manage my back so it was much better. Fast forward a few years and I found I could use the management of my own pain and discomfort to help others.
Making the move
My move into wellbeing started in 2003 when I trained in gentle massage. I was working full time and training in the evenings and weekend. I’ve always had a keen interest in human biology, and this opened my eyes and filled my brain full of knowledge. I bought all the equipment, but only ever used my skills on friends, move on two years and I decided to train in reflexology.
Shortly after this my work/life balance changed drastically and I moved on to a computer system change project team. Then came long days, stressful meetings and 6 years later we had a new computer system, and I was burnt out.
But I started to train again by completing a Nutritional Therapist course in 2013. I moved into the IT department to support our new systems and within 5 years I was responsible for the UK IT department. But I knew that this wasn’t for me, so in 2018 I started my teacher training for Yoga, I started work as a Yoga teacher in 2019 and completing my Level 3 Sports Massage in 2020.
My journey
My journey particularly with my own problems has led me to help others and I see lots of people in my position, all with different postural ailments, but no understanding of the root cause. While investigating for a client, I stumbled across a company that assess your feet and posture. Intrigued by this, I booked onto their next course and am using this alongside my Yoga, Reflexology and Sports Massage skills I can help others health and wellbeing.
It has opened my eyes to where my root cause comes from, and in turn it helps me to understand my clients’ bodies more. I have re-aligned my pelvis and reduced the constant discomfort I felt in my lower back. My body is more grounded, my hips don’t ache after a long walk and this is the most progress I have made with my own body.
The awareness that yoga has brought to my body tells me when I need to do my exercises, I am listening to what my body is telling me and will never stop improving myself.
I hope to inspire you too...